Outbound Ports
If you have a whitelist-only firewall policy set, the following ports must be allowed.
To your server IP address (Information > IP Address in the admin panel):
- TCP 5060-5061, 5090 - Phone traffic
- UDP 5060 - Phone traffic
- TCP 443 - Web panels, softphone, and provisioning
- TCP 4977 - Web client SSO
- TCP 5001 - Provisioning
To our Multi-Tenant Admin Portal server address(es) (Run an nslookup against your partner portal page)
- TCP 5000 - Backend communications
- TCP 4964 - Web client SSO
- TCP 4965, 4975, 4980 - Backend service
To our 1stream Integration System (Run an nslookup against your 1stream page)
- TCP 443 - Web panels
For PHYSICAL devices only: To the cloud proxy (Dashboard > Settings > Parameters > Search “proxy” to determine your server specific proxies)
- TCP 5056 - Used for connecting/registering with the cloud proxy
- UDP 11000-65535 - Used for audio traffic
Inbound Ports
No inbound network ports are necessary for normal operations.
Other Firewall Settings
It's important that the following options are also configured, or audio quality may suffer. Check your manufacturer's manual for information on how to change these for your specific brand.
- Disable SIP ALG
- Set NAT Timeout for UDP to 60 seconds
- Prioritize VoIP Traffic using Quality of Service