Manual Provisioning General Setup

This article will provide a general walkthrough on manually provisioning phone devices for extensions in the bvoip phone system.

Updated at December 27th, 2024

Manual Provisioning Notice

Manually provisioning a phone should only be done if the device model is incompatible with the Managed Provisioning Portal. If there is question about whether or not the desired phone is able to be provisioned with the MPP Integration, please contact our support team. 


Why Manually Provision?

Manual provisioning of the phone should not be required if you have successfully provisioned the phone using the Phone Provisioning General Setup Guide.


Pre-Provisioning Steps

Before attempting to provision the desired phone, ensure that you have factory reset the device, enabled MPP for the desired extension and set the firmware to the most up-to-date version. 

We recommend referring to the Phone Provisioning General Setup Guide before attempting to manually provisioning a phone. 

Manually Provisioning Phones

Manual provisioning of the phone should not be required if you have successfully provisioned the desired phone using the instructions in the sections above. 

If you are needing to provision the desired device directly after setting the template in the bvoip phone system, please refer to the relevant manufactuer specific provisioning article below. 

Bring Your Own Device Best Practice

Our policy is if a device is end of life (i.e. 5 years after end of sale) it’s unlikely to work as the server Certificate Authority won’t be present.


Phone Still Not Provisioned?

If the phone has not provisioned with either sets of instructions, please refer to our Phone Provisioning Troubleshoot Guide.