1stream Available Reports

This article will provide a breakdown on what to expect from the reports shown in 1stream.

Updated at January 22nd, 2025

1stream offers different reports for users on the Core level of 1stream. Some of these reports require additional features only found on higher level plans. 

For information on how to pull these reports, please see our How to Pull Reports in 1stream article.

Want Additional Reporting?

For additional reporting, we offer the following options:

If you are not seeing the desired sort of reports, please reach out to our support team with your request or submit an idea request


Common Columns

  • Abandon %: The percent of calls that were considered abandoned, which means dropped the call or exited a queue to voicemail.
  • ACD Calls Offered: This is the quantity of calls that hit a phone system/were offered to an agent.
  • ACD Calls Handled: This is the quantity of calls that were answered by an agent.
  • ACD Handling Time: The time it took for an agent to handle the call.
  • Answer %: The percent of calls that were answered by an agent.
  • Calls Abandoned (Short): Calls that were abandoned prior to reaching 20 seconds of wait time.
  • Calls Abandoned (Long): Calls that were abandoned after 20 seconds of wait time.
  • Calls Overflowed: Calls that overflowed from one queue to another.
  • Calls Overflowed Abandoned: Calls that overflowed from one queue to another, and then abandoned in the overflow queue.
  • Calls Overflowed Answered: Calls that overflowed from one queue to another, and then were answered.
  • CallID: The internal ID of the call, usable via the API to look up further details.
  • Delay To Abandon: The time it took for a call to abandon.
  • HourNumber: The hour of the day. 8AM = 8, 5PM = 17, etc.
  • IntervalNumber: The second or minute of the hour, depending on the report.
  • Queue Unavailable: Calls that were not presented to any agents, as there was no one available in the queue.
  • Service Level %: The percent of calls that were considered in SLA according to the Target SLA field in 1stream settings.
  • Speed of Answer: How long until the call was answered by an agent.
  • Status: Was the call answered or not.

Available Reports

Admin Activity

This report shows the actions that admin users have taken within 1stream. The Status column represents if the action was finished and properly saved, or if they went to make a change but didn't save it.


Agent Custom Status Report

This will show the login status of users for the defined period, along with their total time available and total talking time.


Agent Login History

This specifically looks at the login and logout times of users in Call Queues. You must fill out the QueueNum column with a valid call queue to get data back.

The Total Talking column sums the total talk time across the entire period, while Total Logged In Per Day is averaged across the date range.


Call Summary Report

This report simply shows all the calls, with roughly the same data as you would receive if you exported data to OneDrive as a CSV.

You can optionally filter by Extension(s) or Queue(s), and those can be comma separated lists of values or single values.


Call Transfer Report

This report allows you to see the calls that arrived in a queue, then got transferred to another extension. Best for finding where you can smooth out the call flow because of too many transfers.

You can optionally filter by Extension or Queue, single value for each only.


CSM Report

This report is similar to a queue summary report for inbound calls, but the filter is a customer number or ANI for a given date range. Columns include calls offered, calls abandoned, service level.


Daily Activity Breakdown Report

This report provides insight on the number of, total and percentage of support line, emergency and standard calls on a set week.


Daily Call Summary Report

A date range report that groups each row by day to showcase inbound calls both answered and unanswered, outbound calls and average call length.


Daily Max Simultaneous Calls

A date range report that groups each row by day to show the maximum number of simultaneous calls for the given day.


Daily Queue Summary

Typical queue summary report with columns for inbound, answered, abandoned, etc. but grouped by day for a given date range.


Failed Callbacks Report

This report shows information on incoming queue calls that used the Callback Feature but were not successful in the call back.

It simply lists out all the calls that failed to get a callback before timing out.


Inbound Contact Group Summary Report

For clients who have set up Client Contact Groups using their 1stream CRM cache data, this report will highlight call activity for accounts or contacts from the selected contact group. This report includes a summary section at the top and a call listing section at the bottom.


Inbound Rule Summary Report

This report provides insight on the call ID and call queue specific data which can be filtered by the name of DIDs. This report will only pull data for destinations that have a direct inbound rule built in the phone system and will not cover overflows and transfers.

For instances that a call interflows from one queue to another queue, this report would show the first queue the call held in.

Short and Long Report Difference

  • Inbound Unanswered Short is indicative of calls that are not answered, held less 20 seconds before hanging up.
  • Inbound Unanswered Long is indicative of calls that are not answered, held longer than 20 seconds before hanging up.

Inbound Rule Summary - Quarter Hour

This provides the same report as above, but broken down by quarter hour instead of by day.


IVR Next DN Report

This is a very simple representation of the Call Segments feature, allowing you to see the destination calls took after reaching an IVR for a given date range.


Landing Page Report

This essentially takes the data shown on the 1stream landing page, and allows you to schedule it out and/or export the data to Excel.


Login Activity Report

This report provides details pertaining to the login activity of extension users. It will keep track of the number of times an extension user has logged in as well as provide a time stamp of the last time and date that they logged in.

This specifically tracks 1stream logins, not logins to the softphone.


Phone Number Report

A report that shows all calls to and from a specific phone number.


PIN Code Usage Report (Engage+)

A report showing when and for whom the PIN verification feature was used, and whether or not a ticket was tagged.


Queue Calls That Waited

A date range report showing queue calls that waited more than 10 seconds and were ultimately answered.


Queue Paths Report

A report designed to show typical call paths for calls that were held in a queue. This includes calls that were answered by an agent or calls that diverted to voice mail or calls that went unanswered. Filters include date range and queue selection.


Queue Summary - Quarter Hour/Half Hour

While the normal Queue Summary w/ Overflow report allows for you to get a good picture of your queue call flow volume and handling across many days, it fails to give you a good picture of intraday behavior like spikes during the morning or shortly after the lunch period.

This report will break down the selected date range across 15 or 30 minute time increments, so you can see which periods may need more coverage, and which may need less.

You can optionally filter by Queue(s), and those can be comma separated lists of values or single values.



Queue Summary w/ Overflow

For phone systems set up with overflow queues, this report includes columns for calls that overflowed. This report has columns for count, answered, abandoned, service level. Report includes filters for date range and queue selection.


Queue to Voicemail Report

A report designed to show summary information on calls that passed through a queue but ended up in voicemail. Report includes filters for date range and queue selection.

You can optionally filter by Queue, single value only.


Repeat Calls

This report provides details pertaining to inbound calls, the number of repeat calls and the percentage of the inbound calls being repeats calls. This report reflects by the ending week.


Ring Group Statistics

This report provides a summary report of the agents who take calls from Ring Groups.


RONA Event Report (Engage+)

This lists all the calls that trigger a Auto Logout event, or contribute to the threshold.


RONA Log Report (Engage+)

A Ring Out/No Answer report based on the phone system logs alone. This report is a date range, log style report for RONA (Auto Logout) events and can be useful for coaching agents to manage their phone system status when they are away from their desk.


Signal Queue Log Report (Engage+)

This lists out the events of users being logged into or out of queues for the Queue Change Signal feature.


Signal Voice Message Report (Engage+)

This lists out the events of voicemails and users interacting with those. This can be a bit complex to read through at a glance, so you can also find this data in the Signal Event History within the scheduler.


Ticket Lookup Activity Report (Engage+)

This report provides data on how calls are routed for Ticket Number Call Routing functionality.


Unanswered Queue Calls

A date range, call listing style report for inbound queue calls that went unanswered.


User Permissions Report

A user export report including plan, user type and phone extension


User Status Log Report 

A report summarized by day with date range, extension and queue filters. This report shows an extension's use of the built-in phone system statuses (Away, Lunch, DND, etc.).


Users Dial by Name Greeting Report

A report of all the 1stream users showing their dial by name settings. Use this report to see which agents may need to have their VM name recorded. All users must have a greeting recorded, otherwise they won't appear unless using our Enhanced Dial-By-Name Directory.


Weekly Trends Report

A date range report designed to group activity by week. Columns include week number, call in, calls answered and abandoned.